It’s finally here.

The first integrated treatment curriculum designed specifically for high-risk forensic clients: LATTICES™.

Treatment tested.

Lattices™—designed to work.

An innovative, step-by-step, research-based treatment program for high-risk clients who have a history of sex offense, intimate partner violence, or other exploitative crimes.

The LATTICES™ curriculum is published as a two book set:

  1. A facilitator’s manual—an easy-to-read, research-based guide to understanding the high-risk client, making sense of their unique challenges to corrections supervision and risk-reduction treatment settings.

  2. The companion book is a 37-module workbook—a step-by-step treatment program for high-risk clients who have a history of sex offense, intimate partner violence, or other exploitative crimes.

LATTICES™ incorporates Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) principles, giving experienced treatment providers a fresh approach to actively engaging hard-to-reach clients: new clinical tools for professional group facilitators, providers of individual treatment, as well as supervisory agents and program administrators.

LATTICES™ is published by NEARI Press and distributed by Safer Society Press, which specializes in resources for the prevention of sexual abuse.

Meet the authors

For the past eleven years, experienced forensic clinicians Jane Ward, PhD, and Diana Groener, MA., have conducted clinical treatment groups to address the special challenges of high-risk offenders. This new two-book set is based on the leading behavioral treatment research plus real-world insights and innovations from their clinical work. Dr. Ward and Ms. Groener work together at Oregon Center for Change, in Beaverton, Oregon. Click here to read their brief bios.